Retreat :
Modul 2 "MASTER"

Training to be a SpiritPlanning counsellor

In this 7-day, also build-up programme SpiritPlanning© training you will complete your knowledge by integrating the influences of roads mountains and water as well as me lemporal aspecis or a planning process, working with good timing.

All information about the retreat in Costa Rica


Modul 2 "MASTER"
exp. November 2025
Training to be a SpiritPlanning counsellor
Costa Rica

What to expect:

Completing knowledge
Practical implementation
Personality development

We will learn to use the power of the surrounding and cosmic energies for your architectural and spatial planning to create vital places for growth, health and prosperity for the future of life on this planet.

The Content AT A GLANCE:

  • "Mindful Morning Start" with relaxation exercise.
  • Basics of Taoism
  • Philosophy of living
  • Basics of holistic space planning using the example of classical Feng Shui
  • Creation of Spirit Planning Charts in the floor plan
  • Learning ways to expand perception of the client's actual space needs to make the design phase as effective as possible
  • Understand the chi of the cardinal directions and apply it to a space
  • Analyzing a floor plan in context to the occupant and recognizing the pattern for change
  • Developing Spirit Planning concepts
  • The School of Pa Chai
  • Analyzing a floor plan in context to multiple occupants
  • Individual ways of communicating internally and externally
  • How to integrate the idea of sustainability into my design
  • Recognizing the changes of chi over time
  • Read complex spatial relationships and floor plans in relation to space and time
  • Recognize the pattern to change, also in relation to the temporal component
  • Holistic lighting design
  • Tips on consultation processes and focal points with the client
  • Developing a concrete practice optimization proposal
  • Working out the teaching contents on the basis of a concrete planning assignment
  • Material and color design and color psychology
  • Designing, changing and improving external influences

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